Understand your ICP and launch local marketing campaigns

Know Your Market, Understand Your Customers, Rock Local Marketing Campaigns, and Optimize Marketing Strategies. Smappen is the ultimate tool for marketing managers!

Get to Know Your Market

Smappen user interface

Population Insights

Dive deep into demographic data with Smappen! Gain valuable insights about your target market’s population, including age, income, and lifestyle preferences. This knowledge will fuel your marketing and sales decisions, giving you the competitive edge.

Analyze Competition Pressure

Stay ahead of the game by analyzing competition in your market. Smappen helps you identify your rivals and understand their strategies. This valuable information allows you to shape your own winning game plan.

Launch Local Marketing Campaigns That Soar

Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Take your marketing to new heights! Smappen enables you to execute highly targeted local campaigns. Export zip codes corresponding to your campaign areas, created by isodistance or isochrone. Monitor campaign success and make data-driven adjustments for optimal results.

Define your ICP

What kind of person — or business — brings in the most revenue? Who is a natural fit for the product or service you offer?  Build your Ideal Customer Profile easily with Smappen!

Understand Your Customers

Customer Segmentation: Unlock a deeper understanding of your customers with Smappen’s segmentation capabilities. Segment your customer base based on demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Tailor your marketing messages and strategies to engage each segment effectively.

Know your market penetration

Define your market potential and analyse what’s your market penetration and how to maximize it. 

Smappen app on a laptop

Zip Codes Export

Monitor local marketing campaigns effortlessly by exporting zip codes corresponding to your campaign areas, created by isodistance or isochrone. Gain valuable insights into campaign reach and effectiveness for data-driven adjustments.

Export PostCodes list with Smappen
population data - households


Unlock comprehensive demographic data to understand your target market better. Leverage this knowledge to tailor your marketing strategies for maximum impact.

POIs & Competition Insights

Identify key points of interest and understand your competition with Smappen’s insights. Discover opportunities and gain a competitive advantage in your market.

points of interest on a map - schools, grocery store, university
import data on a map

Data Import

Seamlessly import your own data into Smappen for a holistic view. Merge customer databases, sales data, and other relevant information to enhance analysis and drive strategic decision-making.

Conquer the galaxies of marketing and sales success!