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Extending an area

With smappen, you can easily change the shape of your areas, to either extend or shrink them.

This can be useful to take into account specific constraints, or to update the distribution of territories.

You can extend an area in two stages:

  1. Drawing the extension to the area
  2. Merging this extension with the area you want to extend

Drawing the extension to the area

The purpose of this function is to draw an area that will be added to the area you’d like to extend. This extension could be drawn manually (see Drawing a manual area) or using another method.

Merging the extension with the area you want to extend

At this stage, you will use the “Merge” feature to add the extension you created to the area you’d like to extend (see Merging areas).

Now you know how to extend an area in smappen!

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Updated on February 26, 2024