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Searching for Points of interest

Feature available with the : PRO and ADVANCED PLANS

(US, UK, France and Belgium only)

With smappen, you can search within million references of companies and services in France, Belgium, the United States and the United Kingdom to spot your competitors, prospects, points of interest (POIs), and services….
Review the list of availabilities

To create a list of business and services :

1 – Select your area or folder on the map

2 – Click on the “Points of Interest” button on the analytics and data panel, on the right-hand side of the screen :

3 – Name your search so you can find it easily

– Use our Categories filter or search by name

– Save your search and visualize your Points of Interest on the map ! 🎉
The points are now visible on the map. The number of results shown on the search indicates the number of companies present in the selected area. The number is updated as soon as you select another area.

To export your results in Excel, click on this icon
You’ll have more information displayed such as: phone number, website, and address. 

NB : the database is updated every 3 months

To personalize the color of your search, just click on the dot and select the color you want :

To go further:

Updated on February 3, 2025