A New Era of Data Storage on Smappen


At Smappen, innovation is at the heart of everything we do, to offer you an ever more efficient tool to facilitate your daily work.

We are therefore delighted to announce our latest evolution that will transform the way your data is managed in Smappen: secure storage of your data on our Smappen servers.

Discover how this update will allow you to enjoy a smoother and faster experience, with all your data secured and easily accessible:

Data Import, a Major Feature of Smappen

Data import is a major feature of Smappen, that enables you to fully leverage your information for detailed analysis.

Whether it’s to visualize your customer file or the location of your suppliers, the ability to add points on a map is essential for analyzing your catchment area. With Smappen, you can add your own points to your map, with data from an Excel file, offering increased visibility and a deeper understanding of your data.

identify prospects and partners on a map

The Storage of Your Imported Data at Smappen ​

Until now, when importing data, they were stored locally on your computer. Starting from January 24, 2024, your data will now be securely stored on our Smappen servers.

What are the advantages for you?

  • Faster, more efficient: You will benefit from a smoother and faster experience when using your data. Thanks to our improved infrastructure, your data will be instantly accessible, allowing for increased productivity.
  • More data, more fun: The new infrastructure will enable larger data imports.
  • Goodbye data loss: No more worries about deleting cookies or your browser’s cache. You no longer have to fear the loss of valuable data, as they will be securely stored on our servers, ensuring their integrity.
  • Advanced features on the way: This change paves the way for advanced features such as calculations on your data and heatmaps. We are actively working on new features to offer you an even richer and more personalized Smappen experience.
  • Top-notch Security and Confidentiality: The security and confidentiality of your data remain our top priority. Our Smappen servers are highly secure, and we implement strict measures to protect your information. You can continue to use Smappen with confidence.

Any other questions? Feel free to consult the FAQ below or to contact us, we will be happy to help you.


Where will my data be stored?

Imported data are hosted in Europe, by our hosting providers OVH & Scaleway. For more information, please consult our privacy policy.

What about the security of my data?

We implement all necessary means to secure your data. They are protected by 128-bit secure encryption keys generated by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), an algorithm approved by the NSA. Furthermore, our hosts comply with security standards such as SOC1 and ISO 27001, as detailed in their certificates: https://www.ovhcloud.com/fr/enterprise/certification-conformity/ https://www.scaleway.com/en/security-and-resilience/

How do you ensure that my data is not shared with your other clients and users?

An authentication and authorization system is already in place to validate the identity of the user connecting to the application and their data access rights.
If you share a map publicly, the data set associated with that map will also be shared.

Is there a data backup in case of server problems?

Automated and encrypted backups are made each week and kept for 60 days. Thus, in case of server problems, we can restore these backups and your data.

What happens in case of unsubscribing?

When you unsubscribe from Smappen, you lose access to your imported data.
We keep the data for a year, so in case of re-subscription, you can access them again. If the data has not been accessed for more than a year following an unsubscription, they will be deleted.

Can I delete my data at any time?

Yes, you can remove your data from a map or delete them from your account at any time. Note that deletion from your account leads to deletion from the server (a backup is kept for 60 days and used only in case of server problems).

Can I share a map with my data?

Yes, when sharing a map, the data of this map are also shared and become public. We recommend that you be careful with whom you share your maps.

Are my data shared with all users of my company/subscription?

No, the data are attached to a unique user, and are not shared by default with all the members of the subscription. You can share a map including the data with another member or add a user to the map.

How is the volume and quota of stored points calculated?

The quantity of stored points is counted on all points imported by your users. For example, if you have 3 users associated with your subscription, the total volume will correspond to the sum of the points imported by these 3 users. For more information on point limits per plan, please consult our offers.

Can I refuse the storage of my data on Smappen servers?

To continue using the data import feature, the data must be stored on Smappen servers.
You can refuse the migration of your current data sets. In case of refusal, your current data sets will be erased.

Can I still export the data once stored on the Smappen servers?

Yes, you’ll still be able to extract your data by area or folder, the same way as today.

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